Company Description
Julian, California's very romantic secluded Wikiup Bed and Breakfast is located on four wooded hillside acres in a relaxed, rural setting.
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lodging , hotel , llama reserve
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24 Jul 2012
Want to spend a weekend in Julian with the girlfriend. Can someone recommend a nice B&B / hotel? I looked through Yelp a little, but I'm hoping to hear some other firsthand stories here. Thanks guys!
Drooq: I stayed at the [Wikiup]( a few years ago, and it was actually pretty nice. The rooms were all themed, and perhaps a little goofy, but we had our own hot tub and the breakfasts were downright amazing. It's a mile or so outside of "downtown" Julian, but it was quiet and we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves. The owners were great people, too.
@Wikiup Bed & Breakfast Inn
Julian, CA
(800) 694-5487